Dear All

Please note the following dates:

Sunday 30th June: The Service next Sunday 30th June will be a Joint Service with people from Peebles Parish Church and Eddleston coming to join us at 11.30am. Coffee will be served before the service from 11.00 and not at the end.

Sunday 21st July: The Joint Service will be in Eddleston Church at 11.30am. There will be no service in Stobo that Sunday.

Sunday 25th August: The Joint Service will be in Peebles Parish Church at 10.00am. Again there will be no service in Stobo that day.

Saturday 6th July: The Stobo Community Coffee morning will be held in our garden, the Old Manse, Drumelzier at (If wet it will be in Drumelzier Village Hall). If possible it would be helpful to know whether if you plan to come.

Julian Birchall
On behalf of the Stobo and Drumelzier Kirk Session