Weekly News 15th March

  1. Tea and Coffee will be served in the MacFarlane Hall after Morning Worship every Sunday.

2. Join us for a Short Order of Daily Worship at 10am, Monday to Saturday.

3. The SHARE Group will meet again on Sunday, 17th March, in the MacFarlane Hall. All welcome.

4. Our next ‘Community Cuppa, A Chance to Chat’, will be on Saturday 20th April, from 10am to 12noon in the MacFarlane Hall. All welcome.

Our Community Cuppas take place on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Can you help bake, set up or serve at any upcoming dates? Please let Karen Ritchie know. Thank you.

5. Your Help is Needed

We plan to open the church every day from 1st April until the end of September. The Church will be opened by Daily Worship Leaders, but volunteers are needed to close the Church at 4pm each day. If you are able to help please get in touch with Janette Cameron.

6. Following on from the successful trip to South Queensferry in 2023 a trip is planned to Dumfries House on Saturday the 25th May. The bus will leave Peebles late morning and arrive in time for us to have coffee/tea and shortbread before we have a tour of the house. The tour will last an hour. The day will finish off with a meal at the Dumfries Arms in Cumnock at 5.30pm. The cost for the bus is £15. More information will follow.